New Semester

Well, I started back to school today. I really enjoy school but its always tough to get back in the swing of things. My first class didn't last that long and I have 2 more this afternoon and then 1 tonight, plus there's that stinkin ole web class. 16 hours is not too much but all the classes I'm taking combined, makes for a pretty tough schedule. Not to mention soccer practice, softball practice, meals, homework and being a dad and husband, my schedule feels pretty full. I commit 8 hours a day to school and the rest is divided up amongst everyone else. I enjoy this time but look forward to what God has in store for me in the future. (Only 6 hours to go after this semester!!!) On top of the beginning of a new semester, I am working on a new diet called DASH. It is the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. Lately my blood pressure readings have been a little off and I have been feeling out of sorts so I have changed my diet and that includes no caffeine! Its not too bad besides the horrible brain splitting headaches from not getting my 1000mg of caffeine per day. However on the plus side after just 3 days on the diet my blood pressure readings were better than normal this morning so hopefully I can curve this thing before it gets out of hand. (No matter how in shape you are you can't do anything about your genes!!! Dang it!) Alright well, I've rambled on enough, I need to go grab a quick snack and head to my next class. I have more interesting things to write about but currently am experiencing one of those previously mentioned headaches and I need to get some meds and fast!! Hope everyone has a blessed day! :)


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