Cloud 9
Thursday, January 31, 2008 by Adam
Tonight MaKayla is on CLOUD 9. Since she was little she has always liked whatever I liked even if it wasn't girly. I like to hunt, she likes to hunt. I like to fish, she likes to fish. I like golf, she likes golf. I like the Longhorns, she LOVES the Longhorns. She especially likes Colt McCoy. For one she is starting to understand football more and knows that Colt is the Quarterback and that is important. Also she recently found out that we are distant cousins to Colt so that just furthers the attraction. I don't know that we have missed watching a game since he took over as starter. This year for Christmas the thing she wanted the most was a Colt McCoy jersey (and she got one). To say she is a fan would be an understatement. Well tonight Colt and his Dad spoke at the West Texas Men of Integrity meeting at our church. A week or so ago I told MaKayla we would go but today I am sick. I really didn't feel like going but knew it would break her heart if we didn't, so...I took two cups of Dayquil, filled my pockets with cough drops and away we went. Let me tell you, it was worth every minute of me sitting there sick as a dog to see the excitement on her face as she listened to Colt talk about his football career and his relationship with God. Oh but wait it gets better. After the service was over she got to get his autograph and get her picture taken with him. As we walked away from Colt I was afraid we would not be able to get out the doors of the church her head had swollen so much. Her smile was bigger than her face and I'm pretty sure she was floating. It was an awesome time together and even more fun to see her reactions through the night. Hook em' Horns!!

All you ladies don't get too jealous! :)
All you ladies don't get too jealous! :)
now cool. what a great memory.
What an awesome moment in time...for the both of you! I can't wait to hear her side of the story!